Check the charge nurse’s mercy.

Inflamed lunacy concedes,


and if there is food . . .

Confronting pleasures dismissed

concrete sustenance,


and now I hunger for real

in midnight’s moment for sleep.


Pardon anger’s zeal

to repeal your dignity.

You cannot betray.


It is I who chose to lay

my soul open for Compton.


Come sit for awhile.

Quickly file those vile reports.

Burdened minds want ears


to hear truth from human lips

that kiss infants and read verse.


Curse the cerebral,

the aloof intelligence,

buffered from struggle.


Forgive my curt blasphemies

and record my words, Matthew,


The Good Doctor wants

this twisted cripple’s song sung

among the learned


regal minds of man-made law

to assess my human flaw.


Might I still be free

to run at large and alive

with insanity?


I’ll greet The Inquisitor

to procure my rights of flight


from ordinary

complacent, menial chores —

Constricting cycle


of getting, feeding, fucking,

sleeping, pleading for passion.


Ten, caged days forward

I’ll forge toward dissected truth

and lay bare my life.


Key-bearing, Locked-Gate-Keeper,

Open the public ledger.


I’ll wager freedom

or personal doom that looms

over defiance.

                               [Hearing Testimony One]


“Kevin Jacobs never tired

of playing the hurt Esquire;

so, when we were through, I’d pursue

his high brow psychotic quagmire.

My colleague had books to review

while I’d nothing pressing to do,

but investigate crazed debate.


I brought him some left over cake

with a warmed piece of pepper steak,

and, as always, made my request:

The meds were safe and for the best,

but his guard was never at rest.”


Always the company man

loyal fan of current thought


fraught with conviction

that all convention is truth.

Matthew, you’re unreal


sealed from plausible appeals

that reveal veiled redemption.


Your food scraps nourish

but chemo-crystals pervert

his subtle waifs’ work


when moonless sky’s thick still pitch

cloaks the menacing wide eye


that seeks sleeping prey

behind one’s protecting walls

where our children lay.


Confronted with enemies

hidden among your trusted,


when horror’s faint creak

summons the alerted ear

to hear silent fear,


and disturbed innocence flees

the comfort of bed flannel,


which dark shadow stalks?

Which form pleads for protection?

Which splotch must you kill?


I want no synthetic pill,

ill conceived modern magic


to subdue chaos

that grabs hold of tragic souls.

Let my madness reign.


Refrain from polite dispute.

Avoid my deranged rebuke.

                              [Hearing Testimony Two]


“Your honor knows endangerment,

focused malignant will intent

on mutilation and mayhem.

His eyes were clear, precise agents.

I’d hate to be his enemy.

Obviously, he’s not healthy,

but unless we force compliance,

unless we curb his defiance,

he’ll remain socially untamed.

Our cowardice will be the blame

. . . . .



Plato’s cave-shadows bore more

transformative silhouettes


vignettes of half truth,

uncouth coquettes of frolic,

mute communicants


that shift their pliable shapes

for every protrusion found


or concavity.

But aren’t I in confusion

sorcery’s victim?


These head haunting images

Bleed like Eastern illusion,


yet dance the voodoo

in shamans’ huts where they breed

in magic made free.


Matthew, they jumped from my walls

enthralled with new dimension. 


Unleashed, flat deceits

are now full bodied phantoms,

black, licorice sweet,


emancipated demons

with tasty salivation,


nimble nymphs of play

whose prime, swaying hips sashayed

toward quivering flesh


and cleaved civilized shackles,

chains to restrain rival views.

                         [Hearing Testimony Three]


An obvious psychotic break,

and make no mistake to forsake

the tragic, disconnected mind,

to permit fits of wit to fuse

with stubborn, unreasoned conduct

constructed from a world of myth

worshiped as infallibly real,

is liberal zeal at its worst.



When Day’s last hues skewed

toward  red and orange-yellows

and workers drove home,


I sat behind scratched oak marred,

scarred by some long gone clerk’s toil,


an old massive desk

redeemed from the city dump

for ten dollars cash,


a trashed lump of defiled wood

fully despised for its wounds


suffered in service

under opulent disdain

for hard labor’s pain,


a one time teeming tower,

vivacious habitat — Gone !

Felled ancient elder

stripped of bark; sliced into slabs,

sanded, stained and sealed,


procured and placed as first face 

in the corporate foyer,


will greet foe and friend

with five by eight pristine feet

of slow to grow oak


embalmed and proudly displayed

with deep rich hue polished bright.


Power’s perfect gate,

straight, squared lines and sharp edges,

wounds bare naïve thighs


which pledged congenial reprieves

from ridged frame’s innate strain


in want of soft curves

seen with hard tempered, sly eyes

keen to win favor


and savor  delicate flesh

fresh from school, brimming with life,


that blurs business minds 

from strategic words that blind

self determined wills.


Skilled  in slight, subtle pretense

that fills yearning souls with hope,


but extracts expense

beyond the scope of payment,

he feigned his restrain


for innocence’s stained silk sheets

willing to give him pleasure


with her curvatures’

delicate, wispy brushes

across pectorals


tense and tingling, waiting,

wanting, needing explosion


into exhaustion.

Male prowess evaporates

in Woman’s embrace.


Bound around by arms and legs,

We, cold-tempered brutes, yield ground;


yet the sun rises

and from Night’s transient womb

All brutes are expelled