How To Support This Work

     In times past artists, sculptors, playwrights, poets and other like individuals were supported by patrons. These Patrons of the Arts were aristocrats or businesspersons of financial means. Currently, the norm is for the artists to offer their creative expressions piecemeal, one at a time, to individual consumers for a given price for each expression or collection.

     I have made a decision that, since Creatively Seeking Clarity of Mind was motivated simply and foremost to gain clarity of understanding the life I happened to be experiencing by chance, circumstance, or choice, then it is best made public in the format of a blog. I have decided to offer my recorded expressions for any financial contributions received from individuals willing to support the applied energy and work that is the source of Creatively Seeking Clarity of Mind.

     My career as a professional educator, along with other employment I engaged, paid my bills while I developed my career path.

     Hence, the fruits of my labor and life which form the living heart of Creatively Seeking Clarity of Mind are here for all to freely encounter. No payment is required to view the creative expressions of my life, but since I am now existing on the fixed income of a retired public school teacher, I would be extremely grateful to receive any FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION freely given to keep this blog and myself active in the process of sharing my art and insights. 

     This chosen course to make my creative expressions public is consistent with my sense of democracy as stated in the words “We, the people…” Those who do not yet have the means to financially contribute to Creatively Seeking Clarity of Mind are still wholeheartedly and warmly invited to frequent what Creatively Seeking Clarity of Mind has to offer. Those who have no interest in this blog will have no need to financially contribute. However, those who find this blog worthwhile to visit once, twice or more frequently can, if they wish, contribute what their financial means will permit with my sincere gratefulness. It is all a matter of choice. This blog, therefore is supported (or not) “by the people”. The People are the patrons of Creatively Seeking Clarity of Mind.

DETAILS to follow.