to board vehicles of haste

to race to their place in line


along asphalt lanes

or to board mass transit trains

to horde and to strut,


to hustle their way to play

the shameful game of win-loose


to choose to suck life

from offspring of their own kind.

Find me a reprieve


to alleviate this ache

of wasted human cortex.


I grieve this vision

From Compton’s heartless musings

conceived to enslave.


For me there will be no truce.

I cannot shake loose his grip


upon my outlook

stripped of soothing denial

that numbs one’s questions


making a shaking psyche

wrapped in a fierce will to live.


Would I kill? Could I?

Did I . . .  contrive . . . lie . . . and win?

Was his loss my sin?


Compton spoke; I spoke;

We all talked, stalked tense ideas,


obscured perceptions

in dark shadows of commerce

cast by the bright light


of day to day, nine to five

beehive hopping stall to stall


in eye-popping malls

where competing vendors lure

sweet seeking insects


to endure their surrender

of labor’s legal tender.


These verbal exploits

Were nonsense turbulence praised

As real coherence.

                                         [The Defense]

Mister Walsh, might I speak for him?

As you are to protect and serve

the innocent who is a possible victim

and deserves your selfless wisdom

to intervene between machines

of power, profits and raw force,

I am to show his course was forced.

My client’s voice exudes remorse

and seeks forgiveness without need.

In deed he committed no crime

but to defend his life and hers.


Late night, in bed, naked and scared,

awakened to a snapping door jam slammed

by a one-man battering ram

dropped in the small hall in clear view

of the wide open bedroom door

through which the deadly bullet flew,

he slew his brazen enemy.


Crazy, this man is not crazy.

He’s dazed in the maze of ill fate

startled by Finality’s curse,

a black hearse driven by his hand.


Without a slight whisper of doubt

from night stand he can land his shot

center mass of dark intrusion

with one smooth move to grab his gun

with left hand passed to right to aim – shoot.

It was no fluke to cause death fast.

His last practice was flawless scores.


Put to the test, would we do less?

Truly self-defense – all agree.

Why, then, must he clear himself here?


We’ve heard words that claim him deranged,

inflamed with rage . . . slightly hidden.

Thus liberties are forbidden.

Noncompliance of treatment rules

schooled many to see him aloof,

detached, deserving your reproof

as uncontrollable, unchecked,

and most frightfully unyielding.

Wielding such conviction you miss

Kevin Jacobs’ true nemesis.


He found that he’s bound as Death’s friend

who ends life to take sustenance

as consequence for his own breath.

He’s not mad. He’s profoundly sad.


Deeply in love with love returned

he earned affections barred by law.

Scared by testicular domain

to constrain the bloom of soft souls

withering in the cool, calm shadow

that delivers no needed warmth,


Kevin’s new mate abated fear

and seared her wounded self to him.

Slim chance her possessive husband

would refund her freedom to be

serenely happy and in love.

Above any other concern

he’d discern their protected lair

and bare down upon them with force

in due course to end their fair days. 


There are times when those of power

miscalculate the dark hour

when small men refuse to cower,

devour their fear and strike back.

Henry Twisting’s late night attack

bore proof of that transmuting fact.

And now Kevin’s mind and heart stripped

of defensive denial grips

the truth of original sin.

We are all of us flawed by birth.

But being flawed does not resend 

the right to be haunted and free.


Release him, immediately.



This strong argument

rings true and works to prevent

solitude’s torments.